Right from my childhood days, I've had a interest in advertisements. I always search for small bits of innovations in it, More than these movies and other shows they leave a strong mark on you. You can watch a movie one or two times but an advertisement, you watch it nearly 5 times in a show.God knows how many times we watch each and every adv. so it is a big task for the creators to make a adv that doesn't bore people, Attracting people is their only motive. But of-late with these Jewel shop ads, lunghi advs and this Perfume ads its getting more and more irritating. When things get irritating, to cool myself of i laugh at them. That is what i thought i'd do, with some blog posts about the advertisement, what do i call it like review ? trolls ? I'll just call it my view. Sounds very strange eh?? When it popped up in my mind, i felt the same. But thought i'l just give it a try. So here it is.
Recently Samsung has come up with their new smartphone, expected to be the best among the Samsung's smart phones, S4. The Advertisement is actually pretty decent. This is the advertisement. (YouTube link of it)
So the point is you can share the video's , songs, pictures,games etc. You can form a group, upload to it, and whoever is in that group can enjoy the video or music or whatever it is. It seems we can do it without being connected to a Wi-Fi network.
So this advertisement is, it's a half time in a game and the teams are at their rooms and looks like they need an inspiration so one guy share's a track on the group play and everybody in the teams play the music and get pumped up and leave for second half. Seems legit, but..
1. Where on earth is your coach / manager ? Isn't he supposed to do that ?
2. All the players in team with s4's ? Only if Samsung is your sponsor. There definitely gotta be apple fanatic in a group.
3. And if you've traveled in a Chennai train or bus, you'd think just like what i did. Everyone wants to listen to a song so you've shared the song. Bitch please, in Chennai we have high-profile people who play songs for the entire bus/train they travel in. Doesn't matter if you want it or not, you have to listen to it, you can't ignore it, you can't hear anything else. It's that much loud (argh!!). Mostly it is one of those old songs or gana songs being played in those High end korean phones.

You make a phone for 41k , it can share music to other phones. But people in korea make it for 4k and it can share music with people who don't even have a phone , and even if they don't want.
P.S : You can read more about Group play in : http://www.cnet.com/8301-17918_1-57578145-85/galaxy-s4-group-play-makes-sharing-easier-hands-on/
After reading this(i mean my blog) you might feel like 'what on earth was this ?' i can't blame you, i felt exactly the same way after writing this. But it popped up in my mind and i'm giving it a try.
Will i do more of this ?? well it will depend on the response i get. So act responsibly citizens.
Until next time.
Recently Samsung has come up with their new smartphone, expected to be the best among the Samsung's smart phones, S4. The Advertisement is actually pretty decent. This is the advertisement. (YouTube link of it)
So the point is you can share the video's , songs, pictures,games etc. You can form a group, upload to it, and whoever is in that group can enjoy the video or music or whatever it is. It seems we can do it without being connected to a Wi-Fi network.
So this advertisement is, it's a half time in a game and the teams are at their rooms and looks like they need an inspiration so one guy share's a track on the group play and everybody in the teams play the music and get pumped up and leave for second half. Seems legit, but..
1. Where on earth is your coach / manager ? Isn't he supposed to do that ?
2. All the players in team with s4's ? Only if Samsung is your sponsor. There definitely gotta be apple fanatic in a group.

You make a phone for 41k , it can share music to other phones. But people in korea make it for 4k and it can share music with people who don't even have a phone , and even if they don't want.
P.S : You can read more about Group play in : http://www.cnet.com/8301-17918_1-57578145-85/galaxy-s4-group-play-makes-sharing-easier-hands-on/
After reading this(i mean my blog) you might feel like 'what on earth was this ?' i can't blame you, i felt exactly the same way after writing this. But it popped up in my mind and i'm giving it a try.
Will i do more of this ?? well it will depend on the response i get. So act responsibly citizens.
Until next time.
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